SCOPE Selects: Jessie Kasik
Monday, August 8, 2022
Get to know Jessie, our lovely Assistant General Manager! Read on and check out the attached playlist to hear her favorite jams!

SCOPE Selects: Joey O'Kelly
Monday, July 25, 2022
Read on to learn more about our General Manager, Joey and his love for music! Enjoy his playlist of tunes to enjoy in the summer sun!

SCOPE Selects: Nicole Zatz
Thursday, May 5, 2022
What better way to enter finals week than with a SCOPE Selects? Nicole is our outstanding hospitality director who always makes sure everyone is taken care of. We have loved having such a charasmatic leader in our organization and wish her the best of luck after graduation. Make sure to check out Nicole's upbeat playlist to get you through finals week.

SCOPE Selects: Sarena Gibson
Thursday, April 21, 2022
Back again with another SCOPE selects Thursday! Read all about our vibrant general committee member, Sarena Gibson. Hoping you all can put on her playlist, enjoy the weather, and maybe do some yoga!
Scoffice Series: Transgender Day of Visibility
Thursday, March 31, 2022
Today, March 31st, is Transgender Day Of Visibility. Some of our SCOPERs, Myles Evangelista, Joey O'Kelly, Olivia Manaligod, and Lg Kanioka met over zoom to discuss Transgender existence, music, and what Transgender Day of Visibility means to them! Read, watch, laugh, and learn from these four and check out two brand new 'Scoffice Series' videos featuring both Joey and Myles as they sing their songs Pinocchio and Dirty Little Secret.

How to: Amplify Women in Music
Monday, March 28, 2022
To wrap up Women's History Month our production coordinator, Katie Polaschek, has provided a step-by-step guide on how to amplify women in music! Read all about how we can uplift, include, and support women in the music industry while listening to Katie's rocking playlist!

SCOPE Selects: Emma Bohn
Thursday, March 24, 2022
What better way to finish off the first week back than a lively SCOPE Selects by our one and only, Emma Bohn? Take a dive into her time here at Iowa as she prepares for graduation and listen to a wonderfully curated playlist full of memories old and new!

SCOPE Selects: Emily Peterson
Wednesday, March 9, 2022
Happy SCOPE Selects Thursday! Emily Peterson, a general committee member of SCOPE and videographer extrodinaire, is sending us off on spring break with a funky playlist! Feel your feelings today and read all about our talented SCOPEr.

SCOPE Selects: Jackson Smith
Friday, March 4, 2022
Providing you with a groovy SCOPE selects to start your weekend off right! Today we feature our very own Editor-in-Chief, Jackson Smith. He is our resident pool shark and always provides us with the raddest vibes. Enjoy his playlist and maybe find a new appreciation for The Grateful Dead!

Amplifying Black Artists
Monday, February 28, 2022
Two of our general committee SCOPErs, Molly Kreese and Logan Kha, wrote up overviews of Black Artists in the music industry to wrap up Black History Month. Take the time today to educate yourself on Black artists and their impact on music!
Jazz and blues set the foundation for American music and expression. The development of jazz in the early 1900’s included elements of European music, and African music.